Due to the multi-day winter weather event that is in the forecast for Ohio, The Ohio Department of Aging released a statement encouraging older Ohioans to have an emergency plan and kit. 

The forecast includes snow, ice, frigid wind chills, and other dangerous locations. Power outages and hazardous travel are also expected with the storm. 

The kit should allow them to remain at home in place for at least three days if they are unable to safely leave their homes. 

The Ohio Department of Aging says every older Ohioans kit should include: 

– A battery operated radio, flashlight, and extra batteries for both of those items. 

– Food you can open and prepare easily without electricity. 

– One gallon of water per person, per day. 

– A first-aid kit and backup supply of medications. 

– Spare glasses, extra hearing aid batteries, and non-powered alternatives to assistive and medical equipment that may not work without electricity. 

– A loud horn, whistle or bell you can use to help first responders locate you. 

– The names and phone numbers of people you can call for help if you need it. 

– A plan for where you will go if it is unsafe to remain in your home, and how you will get there. 

– Ask a reliable family member, friend, or neighbor to visit or call on you in an emergency and agree on a plan for what they should do if they are unable to reach you or find you needing help.

– Caregivers should plan for the possibility that they will not be able to physically be with their loved ones or their loved ones may need to leave their home for safety.

– Know the locations of nearby emergency shelters and have a plan for getting your loved one there, especially if you don’t feel safe driving.

– Identify trusted neighbors or nearby individuals who can act as backup caregivers in a crisis; Let your backup caregiver know about your loved one’s       condition and how to communicate with them effectively.

– Store a recent photo of your loved one and copies of their medical documents on your phone to share with first responders, if needed.

The Ohio Department of Aging is also encouraging those who are able to check on their neighbors and relatives. They are encouraging people to check their neighbors home temperatures, heating and to clear the walkways of sow and ice. 

You can check on older loved ones and neighbors by telephone, text email, video-call or in-person if it is safe to travel.